Dorian the gargoyle

A Three-Book Deal for a New Mystery Series!

I'm thrilled to announce the news that Midnight Ink has acquired my new mystery series in a three-book deal!

The Accidental Alchemist is the first book in a new mystery series about alchemist Zoe Faust and her gargoyle sidekick, Dorian, who was accidentally brought to life by a French stage magician. It's set in Portland, Oregon, but like my Jaya Jones treasure hunt mystery series, this one also involves a lot of history from different parts of the world.

I wrote the first draft of The Accidental Alchemist for NaNoWriMo two years ago, while I was going through chemotherapy. I'm sure I was subconsciously thinking about the Elixir of Life from alchemy as subtext, but what I was consciously writing about were things I felt passionately about: my life-long fascination with gargoyles, my new-found love of cooking, and my passion for twisty puzzle-plot mysteries.

As a kid, I always joked about having a pet gargoyle. It was never going to happen in real life, but why not in fiction? As for cooking, I never thought much about it until my cancer diagnosis. But once I started learning how to cook, I learned how absolutely amazing vegan food can taste and how much fun cooking is! Cooking from scratch has become so much a part of my life that it made its way into this series. So as I craft this complex mystery plot, I'm weaving in my other passions. It's a lot of fun to write -- and once it's out I hope you enjoy the finished product!

Dori the gargoyle with my NaNoWriMo mug filled with a homemade smoothie.

Book Launch Day!

It's book launch day!

Today the Henery Press edition of Artifact comes out. This is the same book that I released last year, with three differences:

  1. It's got a gorgeous new book cover.

  2. There's an Author's Note about the Scottish and Indian history in the book.

  3. A Reader's Discussion Guide is included for book clubs.

For those of you who already read Artifact last year, I've got some fun things planned so you won't feel like you have to wait quite as long until Pirate Vishnu comes out in February 2014.

This October I'll be emailing my newsletter subscribers a Halloween-themed Jaya Jones mystery short story.

And if you haven't yet read "Fool's Gold," the novella that's a prequel to Artifact (Jaya and Sanjay solve a locked-room mystery at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival), the eBook on sale for only $.99 cents this week.

I'm not doing any in-person events right now, but I'm appearing at various online venues over the next six weeks, starting today with an interview for Henery Press and a memoir-y post on the fabulous blog of one of my favorite memoir writers, Rachael Herron:

  • Today: Interview on the Henery Press website

  • Today: Talking about lessons learned from cancer on Rachael Herron’s Yarn-A-Go-Go blog


TWITTER CHAT with two mystery novelists who write about Scotland

Friday September 6

Noon-1pm PT / 3-4pm ET

Anna Lee Huber, author of the Lady Darby historical mysteries (Mortal Arts, Sept 3 2013)

Gigi Pandian, author of the Jaya Jones Treasure Hunt Mystery Series (Artifact, August 6 2013)

Use the hashtag #ScotlandMystery to join the conversation

Whew! It's a good thing I eat so healthily now so I've got the energy to do all this while still working on the third Jaya Jones book! And of course I've got my little gargoyle helpers...

Fingers Crossed for My New Mystery Series Proposal

Tree in a front yard in Portland, Oregon.
Today is a satisfying day. I turned in a new book proposal to my agent!

I'm still writing the Jaya Jones Treasure Hunt mystery series (I'm deep in revisions for the next book), but I also have an idea for a new mystery series I'm trying out.

I've been spending a lot of time in the Portland area since my parents moved to Oregon, and between the friendly vibe of the city and the gorgeous walks in the woods, I thought it would be a fun place to set a mystery.

For NaNoWriMo, I wrote a draft of a paranormal mystery featuring Dorian the gargoyle. I love NaNoWriMo, because you can write ridiculous things without feeling silly about them--and the best part is that some of those ideas turn out to be fantastic. Dorian came to life more than I'd imagined, and I found myself coming up with ideas for a whole series.

Starting with that NaNoWriMo rough draft, I created a book proposal to show my agent. Fingers crossed that she likes it and thinks she can sell it! Once I know more, I'll share further details.

Walking in the woods in Portland. 

Dorian the gargoyles loves a good classic mystery.

Celebrating the New Year with a Giveaway

My Christmas gift bounty of books has brought me many hours of enjoyment already, but as for the task of finding space on my bookshelves... Well, it firmed up my resolve. I'm now an ebook reader convert. I'd already been reading ebooks for the past year while traveling, and I found it was much nicer than I expected. I guess that shouldn't be surprising, since the words are the same regardless of the medium. But since I'm such a visual person, I expected to miss reading physical books more. I'm still going to buy print books, but my default is now ebooks. The upside? It's even easier to buy more books!!!

For those of you who still appreciate print books, you can enter to win a signed Advanced Reader Copy of Artifact -- courtesy of my new year's cleaning of my study, during which I found a few remaining ARCs! These are uncorrected proofs from last spring before the book was released, so you'll need to put up with a few typos on Jaya's adventure.

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Artifact by Gigi Pandian


by Gigi Pandian

Giveaway ends January 17, 2013.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
Enter to win

Happy New Year!
