Meeting my publishing team in person! — Gigi Pandian

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Meeting my publishing team in person!

It was so wonderful to meet my amazing publishing team for the first time while I was in New York City for the Edgar Awards.

Under Lock & Skeleton Key is published by Minotaur Books, the mystery imprint of St. Martin’s Press, both of which are housed under Macmillan publishing. I got to tour their NYC building and meet with my fabulous editor, publicist, and marketing coordinator, shown here.

With my publicist, marketing coordinator, and editor

And they have a gorgeous view from their office—including gargoyles! Can you spot them? The office also has a secret meeting room through a bookcase—how perfect is that for my Secret Staircase Mysteries!? Sadly, the room was in use while I was there. Definitely a good excuse to go back to visit.

view from the MacMillian office

View from the Macmillan building (I spy gargoyles!)

with my editor

With my editor

I had a little time to play tourist as well, visiting friends, museums, and of course the iconic New York Public Library. Not enough time, but I'm glad I was able to visit.

Lion at NYC Public Library

Detour to the New York Public Library

view from hotel room

View from my hotel room